Friday, April 25, 2014

I dreamed a dream...

I have always been a very vivid dreamer. I dream at least three times a night and I always remember them. They play over and over in my mind sometimes I can’t put them in to words but they are always there in my mind. They are not always good dreams, sometimes the dreams are nightmares. Sometimes I dream of the past; of people I loved, people I still love, but they are people I have lost. It does not mean they have died, but they are lost to me now. Sometimes I dream of those who have passed as well. It hurts because my heart longs for them, but my head knows it is only a dream. Still I cherish those brief moments that seem like minutes but are probably hours.

There are some people who don’t dream or they dream but don’t remember it, I am actually quite envious of them. My husband is one of those people. There have been countless nights I have woke him up and asked him to go check to make sure the door is locked because I had a bad dream. I ask him as I lay in his arms my heart racing the shivers of fear slowly dying down, “Do you dream? Are they bad dreams?” his sleepy reply “No, I don’t remember my dreams. Go back to sleep it was only a dream.”

That horrid phrase “It was only just a dream.” Just a dream it felt real and sometimes dreams become our realities though. Such as I dreamt of becoming a Mom and I am one. Where do you draw the line between the two? What dreams are just dreams? And what dreams become realities? I have to stop myself sometimes from diving to deeply into the interpretation of my dreams. I think because the line between the two is so blurry. If you let yourself get carried away by the dreams you could be lost forever to not living. If you let paranoia take over you begin to quit living your life. I dreamt of a black cat therefore I am not leaving the house today. Dream interpretation is so very complicated; I think that if the dream is supposed to mean something it will eventually make sense.

Have you ever dreamt something and the very next day it happened? One night I dreamt that my families Suburban had been broken into, the people tried coming after me but I was able to get away. Come to find out the next day the Suburban really had been broken into. After my uncle died I dreamt of him. I remember it to this day. He was in a shack like house and told me to tell everyone that he was at peace. He then asked me to go get my dad so he could talk to him. I don’t know what he said to my dad I just know in the dream my dad went in the house and they talked for a long time.

I think one of the scary things about dreams is we feel we are not in control. I mentioned to a co-worker last summer as Jordan was away at annual training that I was having nightmares on repeat. He mentioned that he had suffered from nightmares and suggested the idea of lucid dreaming. And so began my journey of controlling the dreams. It doesn’t always work but sometimes I am able to realize I am dreaming and manipulate the dream to my desire. Most of the time though once I realize I am dreaming it causes an Inception sort of effect and my dream world collapses in on itself.

I began writing this post earlier this week and just got back to it. The funny thing about this is the night after I started writing this I woke up to my husband yelling in his sleep. I shook him awake and he fell right back to sleep. The next morning I asked him if he remembered his dreams from the night before. He said he remembered two of them and they were both bad dreams.

The dream world is such a confusing one, and I have many questions about it. I hate and love that I remember my dreams, and that I dream so vividly. It is such a complicated relationship to have. One day I am sure to have all the answers to dreams, but until then I’ll keep on dreaming. 

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