Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Happy Birthday Dad!!!

This is a shout out to my awesome Dad. It's his birthday today!! I won't tell you how old he is haha!! Not only has my dad been my dad but for many years he was my basketball coach, softball coach, and partner in crime in annoying my mom. I'll never forget one trip to Myrtle Creek, when I saw a baby deer I said "you know what baby deers say?" He said "What?" and then I said "Ma Ma" as if I was a deer, guess you had to be there but it was hilarious!! The rest of the way we kept saying "Ma Ma" in deer voices, my poor mom was so annoyed!! My dad is great, because not only does he rock out to metalica you can also find him singing along to Ke$ha and owl city. My dad is great because he scares the crap out of everyone and you can never tell if he is joking or being serious. My dad is great because he always has the coolest stories to tell. Here are some fun pictures of my dad! This ones for you Dad!

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