Friday, March 11, 2011

Poets Corner

Warning: The poem your about to read does not have a happy ending. Life and love don't always work. Too often we are caught up in what we think the other one is thinking or what we are thinking that we miss out on love and friendship. This poem has no reflection on my marriage, I am completely happy I promise. I hope you like it. It was hard to write, because I love happy endings.

By Alexandria J. Eliason

What she thought...
I thought you would have been the easiest to let go of
Your heart was never really mine
I knew what we had wasn’t love
Could clearly see the signs
Stubbornly I forced myself blind
But I remember...
It was in your eyes on that first day
The sun poked through the clouds
It was early May, the flowers grew
Back when I thought I loved you
And you loved me
I smiled but didn’t know what else to do
I could see you were already gone
It turns out the one thought to have been the easiest
Was the hardest to leave behind
Long will I wonder why...
Why I couldn’t make you mine

What he thought...
Beauty kissed you gently making you easy to miss
I thought I could never let you go
I knew what I saw in your eyes
Long I tried to make you forget
Swore I had erased him in that first kiss
But I remember...
It was there that first day, and in your eyes in the October rain
I watched you pack, get in the car, and drive away
I cried after you, swore I loved you
But you were never mine to love
Only to hold for a few moments
I smiled but didn’t know what else to do
You were holding on to something already gone
It turns out the one thought to have been the hardest
Was the easiest to leave behind
Long will I wonder why...
Why I ever gave you the time

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