Tuesday, February 5, 2013

You know I'd fall apart without you.

Since it is the month of February I thought it would be best if I blogged about the love of my life. If any of you know me very well you know that I am a hopeless romantic. Picture a 13yr old girl laying on her bed reading Pride and Prejudice letting out a large sigh and wondering when her Mr. Darcy would come. For me falling in love was something I have decided I have only done twice all the other times I was infatuated but not in love. The first time I fell in love I was 13 and it was with my next door neighbor I know how cliché. Remember I am a hopeless romantic. I’m sure my best friend could tell you how hard I fell, I take that back three of my best friends at the time could tell you how hard I fell. Especially Rachel my soundboard to my romantic notions of a 13yr old. Needless to say time went on my romantic heart got broken, people literally moved on. Then I was 14 and I caught a glimpse of a boy who I thought to be particularly handsome. At a church dance a mutual friend introduced us and to her I owe everything because without that simple introduction I would have never been asked “What color is your toothbrush?” by that shy cute boy. Jordan and I’s story is long it is not all sunshine and rainbows and it is not the story I want to tell because some of it still hurts. All you need to know is we fell in love young and we fell hard. We were a modern day Romeo and Juliet and it was tough. I like to think that Taylor Swift writes her songs straight from my life…I mean Love Story had impeccable timing. Now you are probably wondering what my post is going to be about. My post today is going to be about the man I am married to today, not the young man who asked me what my color my toothbrush was or the man who even asked me to marry him but the man I sleep next to every night. My soldier, my husband, my partner in crime, my patient, my amazing, my love of my life, my Jordan(the boy).

                I don’t know if Jordan realizes how in love with him I am. He is so amazing and I am so blessed to call him my eternal companion. He has flaws but the funny part is those flaws are what make me love him. I literally would fall apart without him. Not only has he been a part of my life for the past 8 almost 9 years but he has been my husband for almost 3 of those years. He is kind, patient, impatient, and so cute when he is angry (this one gets me in trouble a lot I can’t help but smile or laugh when he is upset with me), he loves me for exactly who I am. I was once told I was like dating 10 different people because you never knew which me you were going to deal with. Jordan however characterizes me as one person and that is Alex. He thinks I’m funny (of course who doesn’t), he spoils me and we have intellectual conversations about stuff going on in the world. He values my opinion and asks for it. He knows certain situations make me uncomfortable and he does his best to make sure I am comfortable. He was my rock through our struggle to get pregnant and my rock even now. How could I not love him he gave me a beautiful son that looks just like him! He stands up for me to people he shouldn’t have to. He literally is my other half. My Mr. Darcy, Stephan, Edward, and Peeta, my hero and I his heroine, my muse for over 3/4th of my poetry. I love him forever and always! Together we will conquer all! Happy Valentines  month Jordan I love you this big ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- that means forever!!